Short Upate
Spring Movie finally complete, new words, birthday
coming up
We finally finished up our Spring 2003 movie
project. It takes a while, as we had about an hour and a half of footage to
distill down to less than 30 minutes. This is pretty typical. With iMovie, we
let the camera roll in hopes of capturing some good action, then just cut out
the stuff that we'd just fast forward through anyway. We can also zoom and pan
"live" and then edit those parts out to keep things from making the viewer
Of course, we add titles,
transitions, effects (rarely), and sound tracks. Anna is our key audio
post-production expert. Then we need to use iDVD to put all of the pieces
together and menus, chapter markers, animations, and so on. Finally, we start
producing the half-dozen or so
Nathan loves to watch the
family videos. He also loves photographs that include him. Other photos just
make him bored. Last night I put on the family video rather than the TeleTubbies
DVD that he had requested. What a mistake. I turned of the TV when dinner was
ready, and he fussed and cried and tried to pull me out of my chair (to turn the
TV back on) for a good twenty minutes. So the Spring movie passes the Nathan
Katherine's sixteenth birthday is
coming up next week, and plans are underway. Of course, I cannot post anything
here yet without ruining any
Nathan's vocabulary is
growing. He sure likes trains, and a good portion of his vocabulary centers
around trains: choo-choo, caboose, box car, cow catcher, track, Thomas, tunnel,
gate, whoo-whoo, and probably more that I've forgotten. Aunt Lauren gave him a
Thomas wooden railroad set last year, and it is still a daily hit!
Posted: Sun - October 12, 2003 at 12:41 PM